Harry W. Wall
I just received a sad update from Stan Wall (Harry's son):
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 5:02 AM
Subject: USS PRINGLE 477
My father, Harry Wesley Wall was one of the first commissioned crew members. He was a Petty Officer Cook 2nd class. Many of the crew know him as well as Lt. Commander Larson, a good friend. He said he was a " good egg". Harry Wall only received 5 of the 8 battle stars that he served in, out of the 10 total battles the ship engaged. My father told me many stories including the sea plane that was fitted to the ship's upper deck. The reason for the email is to let everyone know that Harry W. Wall passed away this past year on May 6, 2006 at the age of 84 in Glendora, California and is buried there at the Riverside National Cemetery
Anchors Away
Stanford Wall
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